STYLING Shelley Street| PHOTOGRAPHY Warren Heath

What Matters Most

Kim La Ferla
December 9, 2022
Presents that you can’t wrap are the best kind
STYLING Shelley Street| PHOTOGRAPHY Warren Heath

What Matters Most

Kim La Ferla
December 9, 2022
Presents that you can’t wrap are the best kind

Growing up as a child of six, we didn’t have a lot of things; celebrations didn’t merit many material presents. But we had a lot of what mattered. We had no room for much stuff because we girls shared a room; we had one doll and one dressing table. We shared the same plastic heels that made us feel like supermodels. We all played with one plastic cash register that rang a beautiful cha-ching sound when you hit the till button. Ha, go figure; it was practice for my enterprise!

Well, we also got to enjoy the speed boat and all the skiing gadgets that went with it; the caravan that would be worth a fortune now if we had only kept it; cars with the latest technology and shifting houses. Bless, my parents thought they were real estate agents!


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