Hôtel de la Païva @prettylittleparis

Do It Now: Celebrate The Small Wins!

Kim La Ferla
November 25, 2022

When we wait for the right time to celebrate your wins, we may have to wait for a long time

Hôtel de la Païva @prettylittleparis

Do It Now: Celebrate The Small Wins!

Kim La Ferla
November 25, 2022
When we wait for the right time to celebrate your wins, we may have to wait for a long time

Let’s admit it: we are superwomen when it comes to setting goals. I, for one, am brilliant at concocting big goals. Why not? That’s what being on this Earth is for, right? To have a good TIME.

So often, we set these goals in place, which is lovely (planning fun stuff excites me). BUT we tend to put everything else on hold while waiting for the BIG goal to arrive.


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