Beauty in Diversity, Joanna Barbaro Sant @joanna_barbaro_sant_artist

Be the Gatekeeper of your Mind

Kim La Ferla
November 25, 2022
Bring heaven down to Earth by ditching all that block your light
Beauty in Diversity, Joanna Barbaro Sant @joanna_barbaro_sant_artist

Be the Gatekeeper of your Mind

Kim La Ferla
November 25, 2022
Bring heaven down to Earth by ditching all that block your light

It is no secret that since my brother’s passing, my mission to inspire more women to live life like Heaven on Earth has been seriously amplified. You cannot help but ask the question, “If we leave this Earth with nothing—no cars, homes, money, bills or even worry— is everything we concern ourselves with even worth it?”

Well, not to the point of being consumed by them.


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