Elevating the Everyday Elegance
Life is a whirlwind of responsibilities, routines, and the constant buzz of everyday life. Amidst
We need to be kinder to ourselves, don’t you think? Too often, we put the needs of other people ahead of our own. We forget that we, too, deserve some care, some love, some attention, some alone time. Admit it: on movie night, many of us might forego our choice of film to give way to an animated flick our kids pick out. We might give up the last bite of that divine dessert because we know it’s our partner’s favourite, too.
It’s time to change this obsolete way of thinking.
Today, have fun without feeling guilty. Paying attention to ourselves doesn’t diminish the people we love. It just means we finally acknowledge our needs and our wants. It means we finally give ourselves permission to LOVE our whole selves completely without shame.
If that thought seems foreign to you, take baby steps. Sleep in for 10 extra minutes. Enjoy that chocolate cake. Buy those shoes. Call your friends and enjoy happy hour to usher in the weekend. We all go around only once so leave the guilt outside and keep it there. Be free to love yourself.
I practise this every day. When things get overwhelming, I realise it’s because I’m spreading myself too thin. But there’s only one me to go around! So I stay still for a bit, look inside and pinpoint what my self needs in order for me to continue through the day. And I give myself what I need so I can vibrate at the frequency I know makes me HAPPY.
Cocktails with my girlfriends on a weekend tops my list of guiltless self-care activities. It’s delicious, simple, and, after a while, we become a group of happy, giggling women without a care in the world. If that doesn’t illustrate “self love without the guilt,” I don’t know what does.
Remember your homework, ladies. Starting today, live your life as fabulously as you want, full of love for yourself and your family and friends, while leaving all your guilt at the door. We don’t need it.
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Life is a whirlwind of responsibilities, routines, and the constant buzz of everyday life. Amidst
Life is a whirlwind of responsibilities, routines, and the constant buzz of everyday life. Amidst
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